The methods restricting damages imposed on the party in breach mainly are: the rule of foreseeability, the rule of balancing out increase and decrease, the rule of contributory negligence, and the rule of mitigation of damage. 违约方损害赔偿的限定规则主要有:可预见性规则、损益相抵规则、过失相抵规则、减损规则。
Improve the seismic capacity of existing school building is the most effective measures for disaster mitigation. Practice has proved that after a seismic evaluation and strengthening of building before the quake, the extent of the damage in the earthquake much lighter than unreinforced buildings. 实践证明凡是在震前经过抗震鉴定和加固的建筑,在地震中的损坏程度明显轻于未加固的建筑。因此提高现有中小学房屋建筑的抗震能力是减轻灾害最有效的措施。